Christ Youth Mexico Mission Trip 2025

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Participant Information

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Parent/Guardian Information

Please take some time to answer the following questions. These are for your benefit as much as they are for the trip leaders’ benefit. Answer the questions honestly. Don’t feel like you need to sound super “spiritual.” Being real is what is most important. The last two questions are important so take some time to answer them well. Writing out the gospel and your faith story is valuable because it helps you really grasp the gospel and its impact in your life. Plus, it will really help you to be able to confidently share it with others. 


Mission Trip Commitment


I understand that by joining the Christ Church Youth mission team to Vicente Guerrero from March 21-30, 2025, I will be representing Christ Church and, more importantly, Jesus Christ during this trip. Therefore, I am committing myself to a lifestyle that honors Christ in all aspects now and on this trip. 


I understand that this mission trip will involve a preparation process for ministry and evangelism. I will commit myself to attending mission team meetings and fulfilling my responsibilities for team ministry preparation. 


Meeting Dates: 


  • November 17th, 2024: Orientation Meeting w/ parents ($300 Deposit Due)

  • December 8th, 2024: Team Meeting (Paperwork Due)

  • January 26th, 2025: Team Meeting (Passport / Money Due)

  • February 23rd, 2025: Team Meeting

  • March 16th, 2025: Commissioning & Final Prep Meeting w/ Parents


I also understand that once I turn in my deposit for this trip that I am committing to go on this trip and assume full responsibility for the financial costs for me to participate ($2,000).


-       If at some point you decide not to go on this trip or are unable to go on this trip, Christ Church will only issue a refund or release from financial obligation if we are able to do so. Many trip costs are upfront and nonrefundable or only partially refundable. You are responsible for the costs even if you do not attend the trip.


I will allow the Christ Church Youth leaders and staff to make the final decision on whether or not I participate in this mission trip. 


Participants who are under 18 years of age must also have at least one parent or guardian signature on their commitment form: 


I have read over the short-term mission trip information and I understand the commitment my child must make to participate on this trip and the financial cost of $2,000 they must personally raise to go. I will encourage and support them as they raise funds and prepare for the trip.




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